Thursday, December 20, 2012

End of the World!

So, the end of the world is tonight/tomorrow. So, EVERYONE comment or something and let me know if I'm the last person on earth, or if the Doctor really did save us all in time because the Daleks were going to come and exterminate us all. hehe if you don't get it, you need to. :)

Friday, December 14, 2012

Newtown, Connecticut

These are just a few of the pictures from the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. The top picture is probably one of the most heartbreaking pictures I've ever seen.. This should not happen to anyone, especially children. This is just horrible.. it's hard to believe that someone could shoot kids! They are young and innocent, and it's just wrong! I had to post this because everyone needs to hear about this. Please, keep them in your thoughts, your prayers, anything. </3